24 July 2009

Writer's Frustration

So I am now convinced that there is a) writer's block and b) writer's frustration - both of which can be avoided or "cured" with different exercises and thinking happy thoughts, but right now, I would like to roll around in my frustration because I have to write a poem and I have no idea what to write about.

Usually, when I make the endeavor to write poetry it is forced or for pure fun of playing with rhythm and word choice. I love poetry but always find I have more to say, voice-wise, than poems allow: I avoid them. But I do need to write one for a class and I'm sort of drawing a big fat ? on my screen with my finger.

My daughter is helping, laughing all the way.

Perhaps I must resort to my favorite writing stimuli - deviant art - but perhaps I will continue my happy romp in Writer's Frustration a bit longer... it does allow one to eat and sit and read for a few minutes at least.

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