04 August 2009

Literary Devices & Vacations

I am almost done with my relaxation vacation and will be back to regular postings.

But, on a side note, as a writer I am always looking for good mentors in published writers - right?


And I have a fascination with literary devices (tools that help make your story unique, convey your story, and snare readers) and I must say one of my personal favorite kinds of literary devices is lyrical verse.

I must also say, that if you are going "Me too!" "Okay." or "WTF?" I suggest reading who I consider to be a master at the lyrical verse literary device: Anne McCaffrey and her Dragonriders of Pern series. Her work is not only original, inspiring, fantastic, and won numerous awards and has millions of fans since its creation over 30 years ago (that's right people, 1970s) she also has perfected the art of the lyrical verse as a literary device.

Don't believe me?

Go pick up any ONE of her 30+ Pern books and tell me otherwise.

I will post more on literary devices later, but I just had to get this off my chest. Anne McCaffrey = literary genius.

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